Slow but intriguing
7 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First of all I'd like to point out that watching the II volume without having seen the first is completely pointless. Nymphomaniac speaks of itself its about a Nymph woman who is found in a alleyway beat up and brought to an old mans house where she tells him her life-story. At first its quite slow but as it goes on it becomes more and more interesting and both characters show nice point of views. The acting is decent and I didn't find the sex-scenes to offending. Apart from being slow the biggest reason I only give a 6/10 is the ending..The ending is unreasonable and a not needed shock factor It was completely out of place and actually ruined it for me If you exclude the ending I could have given a 8/10.

All in all, If its worth watching is up to you.
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