The Louise Log (2007– )
An example of why indie entertainment is the future
4 March 2014
The Louise Log, in its bite-sized offerings, perfect for watching a bit at a time on the ride to work, or in a binge, is a well-acted, smartly written and slyly funny short format series.

What separates this series from many like it is that it's not just funny. As you follow along, the characters grow onto you, and their depth is realized from moment to moment. You sympathize with their dilemmas while gleeing at their eccentricities, in a way that shows like Friends used to accomplish. Morgan Hallett's Louise centers the show, and she is quickly likable in the role. Danusia Travino's bizarre Queen Elizabeth is always a highlight. Everett Quinton's Ethelred is both touching and stir-crazy in his performance.

The cinematography grows as the series progresses, but it doesn't matter that the technical elements are not top notch from the start as the format of the show embraces these faults. Director and writer Anne Flournoy is aware of this at every step, and respects her audience enough to honor the performances of the wonderful cast above all else.
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