The Red Road (2014–2015)
Hits the nail on many heads
7 March 2014
This story has depth, history and complexity. I love it. It's well acted and it's evolving. It doesn't show you it's hand so quickly.. you're going to have to keep watching. What's wrong with that? Does everything have to be a fast food happy meal? Don't you like to be served in courses sometimes? Anyway I really like this show and look forward to more. This story has enormous potential and they could take it so many different directions. It doesn't push homosexuality .. how refreshing. It doesn't push any politics .. wow nice. Aren't we all sick to death of manipulative political agendas? It's about human experience and intense personal, social and family relationships. It's set up so you can put yourself in the place of each character. You aren't seeing the story unfold from the eyes of one character only. I like that because it allows you to imagine what it's like to be each person.

If paint drying is more interesting to you dude then go watch your paint dry and let the adults watch TV. Thanks
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