Looking back (through the mirror?)
6 March 2014
While this is a sequel it's also kind of a prequel, looking back on what happened before the Original "Easy Rider" (ER). Of course some people might feel offended just by that simple fact. And that impression will not fade with the beginning of the movie. Actually while there is a resemblance (haircut and the general look), the acting feels like a TV soap. And that is not good at all.

Fortunately Jeff Fahey comes along and the "fun" sort of begins. It elevates the movie a bit and it's almost a shame you don't get more of him and his character interaction. But it's more about, where were and were are we going (concerning the characters). There is still a lot of bike love and people who are fond of that will cherish those moments. For everyone else, it's not really that worth while, while not really bad either.
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