Full House: Blast from the Past (1989)
Season 2, Episode 19
The Second Time Around
2 March 2014
What do you do when an old flame suddenly pops back into your life. Well, you certainly don't accept her phone calls, or meet her. You simply hang our all night and talk about old times...and fall in love all over again. At least, that seems to be what happened to Joey. But Danny was there when Joey got his heart stomped on. He can't stand watching his best friend going down that road again only to be hurt.

Meanwhile, Kimmy and D.J. are playing magic show. D.J. and Stephanie get handcuffed together and half to spend the whole night like that until Kimmy can get the key! When she announces her brother is gone for several days, Danny learns the truth.

The episode was okay. Joey says something at the end about falling in love with memories. That was pretty thought provoking for those who are going the second time around with a person. We need to make sure it's the person we love - the the memories we share!
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