My Best Enemy (2011)
Good Drama, Not a Comedy
28 February 2014
This is a good period drama that conveys well the craziness that pervaded the Nazi regime. However, I found nothing humorous in this film and can't imagine why anyone would classify it as even a "Dark Comedy". Tragic things occur in this film and they only begin to touch on the actual tragedies perpetrated during the war.

I thought that the actors did a great job of conveying the personalities and tribulations of the characters. It's difficult to have a film set in World War 2 that deals with the Nazi regime without seeing stereotypes but the characters here are nearly entirely believable as individuals. Even those that fit stereotypes are believable as individuals because they are neither common nor used as a bludgeon.

The settings and costumes are all very well done and help bring the viewer to that time and place. I especially found that the locations used were extremely well-chosen and helped to give a feeling of actually being in those places.

I definitely recommend "My Best Enemy" but set your expectations appropriately, it's a drama.
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