Son of God (2014)
You know it's bad when you're mentally correcting Jesus the whole time...
28 February 2014
This movie is an embarrassment. A wimpy, insecure Jesus spends two hours wandering around in a long, hippy-esque robe, hitting the high points of the Gospels and not even getting them right! I was mentally correcting Jesus the entire film, as only half the quote would be correct: The "Our Father" (you know, the quintessential Christian prayer...) left out the final line: "lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil." Not surprising, as evil was a completely non-existent theme in this movie about Christ- Who came to save us from sin and evil. Kinda a huge deal that was totally skipped over. Most striking to me of all was that you never sensed that Christ had a Presence. He seemed like a total wimp. And yet in His time, the people said, "What manner of man is this, that even the waves and sea obey Him?" Christ was strong, and His presence was compelling: men left family and livelihood and followed Him, such was the force of His personality. The Jesus of Son of God- honestly, I wouldn't even want to grab a beer with Him, much less be crucified upside down rather than denounce my faith in Him (Peter's death). Bottom line: if you are a practicing Christian and/or very familiar with the New Testament, don't go. The constant misquoting/leaving out key portions/ totally missing the entire point of a dialogue will drive you batty. If you're not Christian, definitely don't go. It's embarrassing to us Christians.
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