It's a Lot (2013)
Basically a nice teen comedy with out any real consequences.
23 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Funny throwback to classics like House Party, or even Disorderlies. Great cast of characters, and a well written story that is just packed with light hearted fun, and a lot of what you can only hope is the true sentiment of the youth today. From the start you are introduced to the most incompetent, and oblivious adults and the kids are all so mature, and trying to take the best from what life has to offer them. I Enjoyed the story, and how quickly it moves on from the silly teen romp that it could have been, and gets to the business of unity, and helping each other through the toughest of times. A fake charity is evil, and should not ever be allowed, there is a big missing piece in that there are no real consequences besides having to clean some toilets. However I do recommend this movie as a decent little comedy that most people will enjoy. If you have trouble with accents, then you will not understand most of this movie, as a lot of it is really just the promotion of slang, and new jargon, though if you get into that, or past it then there is a decent movie here.
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