Flying Blind (2012)
Suspenseful, romantic, political, erotic thriller
20 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Flying Blind is an excellent film, beautifully directed, and acted by Helen McCrory and Najib Oudghiri. The fact that a 24 year old man with a vague past could fall in love with a 44 year old woman, and vice-versa, is perfectly believable in the pairing of Helen McCrory and Najib Oudghiri. This wonderful and thought-provoking film is really about the love of two men for the same woman. The city of Bristol was the perfect backdrop. Too bad the film has such limited distribution and the DVD is not compatible with US DVD players. It should be released in US cinemas where it would find an appreciative audience in the smaller art theaters. Najib Oudghiri is a young actor to watch. He has a remarkably interesting face and his intelligence and wit shines through his acting. Helen McCrory can convey changing emotion through her facial expressions alone. Neither actor is known by US audiences nor is the film, which played to a limited audience on Showtime, a US premium TV channel. Flying Blind has become one of my favorite films.
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