Endless Love (2014)
This film is perfect
20 February 2014
6.0? You must be joking me! This film deserves a 10? It's not just a romantic chick flick, the amount of tension in this film makes you want to scream, there's parts that make you want to cry, there's also parts where you want to rip, jades dads' head off, but yeah, there is the amazing love between David and Jade, it's not the typical teenage love story, it truly is amazing, it looks at love from a completely different perspective. The adventures they go on, the things they do, it's lovely to watch. This film is incredibly made, the music matches every moment perfectly, the way they show everything is amazing. The build up to things is spot-on, I watched this at the cinema on valentines, and I am 100% going to buy in on DVD! I'm still debating going to see it at the cinema again. :)
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