How I Met Your Mother: The Slutty Pumpkin (2005)
Season 1, Episode 6
The Barnacle.
16 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
On Halloween, Marshall and Lilly are obsessed with winning a costume contest, Robin brings along her new boyfriend Mike for a double date. During the date, Robin gets annoyed at Mike's constant need to share, Mike gets annoyed that Robin isn't into doing "couple" things. After Lilly tells Robin to mellow out and share something with Mike, Robin can't keep it up and the dinner isn't a very pleasant experience for either one of them. Meanwhile, Ted is obsessed with a woman he met at a party on the roof of his apartment, who was dressed as a "slutty" pumpkin. Ted lost her number years ago and has wanted to see her ever since. Barney offers to take Ted to a Victoria Secret model party, but Ted wants to try to find the girl. One thing I realized is that most Mikes are idiots. I'm a guy and even I know this. They're either stupid or full of themselves. Obviously this isn't true in all cases, but it seems to be with a lot of guys named Mike. I digress... Ted is such a schmuck, but a lovable one. I wish more guys had his moral fiber and the ability to be true to themselves. Marshall and Lilly's parrot & Jack Sparrow costumes were awesome as well. This ending of this episode features Ted and Robin's on and off interest with one another. I personally feel they should have been together, not Robin & Barney. I also felt this episode has a good message. It's always nice to adapt and try other things with a person you dig, regardless of how set in your ways you are. This is a classic episode filled with laughs and funny situations, all the creative things I love about this show


P.S...What is up with Marshall's love for ewoks from Star Wars? They were the worst part about Return of The Jedi in my opinion
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