Review of Cat City

Cat City (2008)
13 February 2014
I give props to the Huffs, they have a lot of really good friends to come on IMDb and sing the praises of this film. One tip for next time, maybe don't have EVERYBODY give it 8 to 10 stars and declare it a modern-day indie Out of the Past because it looks that much more conspicuous for a movie in which the leads don't even seem interested. In fairness, I have never seen Rebecca Pidgeon actually convince me she isn't acting, because she doesn't do it well, but that may be a particular style honed working with Mamet. The only thing to recommend this is Dennehy and he doesn't get nearly enough screen time. Anyway, friends (or hirelings) of the Huffs, just for down the line, a little moderation goes a long way when working the con.
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