Review of Imaginaerum

Imaginaerum (2012)
Cliché Stew
12 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I kept wondering as I watched if this was a musician's movie fantasy, and after I watched the film, I looked it up, to find out it was. It's sad that I can't decide whether the script or the music were worse. The plot combined a less than believable family drama with a childish attempt at surrealist imagery, and since the characters were all utterly unlikeable and the story was laughably illogical, it was impossible to care. Others have defended it by saying it was just intellectually challenging, but the film is simplistic; it's just bad. The music lacked any originality, and the performances in the musical sequences seemed like a parody of pretentious rock stars. I'd never heard of Nightwish, and I won't be exploring their work any further. That said, I could have taken what I see as bad music (no accounting for taste, as the saying goes) if the film had any merit, but it had none. I will give one bit of praise: the acting was decent, which makes me wonder how the players got tricked into this disaster.
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