True Detective: Who Goes There (2014)
Season 1, Episode 4
what the person before me just said
11 February 2014
Amen!!! This episode should get an emmy at least for that final six minutes. The show feels like I am reading a book of very high caliber, not unlike something from Wally Lamb or the Corrections, where the human pathos gets conveyed so well. I haven't seen a show so deserving of respect for each episode since The Wire. My opinion on Matthew McConahey's acting has risen dramatically since watching this series. The production design absolutely captures the fashion, hair styles, transportation, technology and architecture of the mid nineties. No one on this show is phoning it in. Even the cell phone was an older analog phone from that era. Even the small detail of Rust having to explain to Marty how to use it was the attention to detail that you should expect.
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