An Enjoyable Movie
4 February 2014
"Mike Hogan" (Eric Roberts) is a pilot who has been temporarily suspended because of an accident that wasn't his fault. However, when an international flight is in desperate need of a co-pilot he is coaxed into accepting the assignment in the hope that he might regain his former status. As it so happens his former girlfriend "Katy Phillips" (Alexandra Paul) is also on the flight as the head stewardess which creates a bit of an awkward situation for both of them. Even worse is the fact that the pilot "Captain Jack Brooks" (Kevin Jubinville) is a total jerk who treats Mike with complete disdain. Along with that one of the passengers named "Cal Matthews" (Carlo Rota) is almost as bad as Captain Brooks. That said however, none of these situations remotely compares to the problem Mike has to contend with once the flight takes off across the Atlantic Ocean en route to Boston. Anyway, rather than detail the entire story and risk spoiling the film for those who haven't seen it I will just say that I thought this was an enjoyable movie for the most part. While it's true that most of the events depicted in this movie have been done before at one time or another I liked most of the actors involved and thought they performed fairly well together. Also having attractive actresses like Anne Openshaw (as "Flight Attendant Tracey Nichols") along with the aforementioned Alexandra Paul certainly didn't hurt either. In short, I liked this movie and I rate it as slightly above average.
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