control media vs freedom of speech
2 February 2014
Van Dijk stressed that if controlling discourse is a first major form of power, controlling people's minds is the other fundamental way to reproduce dominance and hegemony.

How to control people's mind? Control of media is an efficient way. Chomsky and Herman have illustrated how the torchlight of the free world, the United States, manipulates public thought through control of media. Controlling the media is a formidable task, especially in a market economy where ownership is dispersed and censorship is not in fashion. But at the end of the day, money and power managed to accomplish this mission by filtering out news "fit" to print.

Actually, controlling the media in Singapore and China is much easier, as media is managed and censored by government. For example, Mediacorp censored Dustin Lance Black's 2009 Oscar acceptance speech in recorded telecast, because he mentioned gay and lesbian that maybe breach of MDA Programme Code.

In China, there is one department named propaganda department. 2013 Southern Weekend incident is a conflict between the Propaganda Department of Guangdong Province and Southern Weekly in press freedom, that the original New Year's special editorial was changed significantly under the pressure from the propaganda officers bypassing the normal publication flow. The newsroom staff went on strike to protest against censorship.

For my part, freedom of press exists, but only for those who have internalized required values and perspectives.
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