29 January 2014
John Hurt is "The Commissioner" in this 1998 drama.

The film begins with a horrific suicide and then reverts to a heavy scene between the British prime minister and a high-ranking government official, James Morton, who is fired. The reasons are political, but we aren't really told why or what happened. The PM wants to use Morton's abilities, so he sends him to Brussels as Britain's European Commissioner, and he is promised that his role will be in Foreign Affairs. Instead, it's Industry. Morton doesn't want the job as he feels it's a true exile, but he goes. He basically leaves his wife (Alice Krige) behind. She's sick of his philandering and wants a divorce.

In his job as Commissioner, Morton receives information about a huge German chemical company that is supposedly manufacturing nerve and biological weapons, and is about to merge with a British company. Everyone is all for the merger, but Morton delays it. He is given compelling documents from a former worker at the plant (Armin Mueller-Stahl). The investigation leads to some shocking information.

John Hurt is one of the greatest actors to come out of the UK, and he could act the phone book and get an Oscar nomination. I really didn't feel this role was fitting for an actor of his caliber, though he is excellent. Mueller-Stahl is a real standout as well, and Rosana Pastor is beautiful and convincing.

The problem is that we just don't find out enough about the characters and the back story, and in fact, the film ends and we really don't know how things are going to turn out for the most part.

I expect more important things from John Hurt, whose work in The Naked Civil Servant and Elephant Man stand as two of the most brilliant performances of all time.
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