Intriguing Disappearances
24 January 2014
The astronauts Lieutenant Colonel Clegg Forbes (Rod Taylor), Major William Gart (James Hutton) and Colonel Ed Harrington (Charles Aidman) disappear from the radar for twenty-four hours during an experimental flight with the model X- 20. They crash on the desert when they return to Earth and Major William Gart breaks his leg and has to stay in the military hospital. However Forbes and Harrington are immediately discharged and they go to a bar to celebrate. Out of the blue, Harrington does not feel well and calls his parents that do not recognize him. On the next moment, Harrington vanishes from the booth and also from the newspaper and only Forbes recalls him. He runs to the hospital and Gart has no recollections about Harrington. When Forbes leaves the room, he disappears and then Gart and the X-20 model.

"And When the Sky Was Opened" is an engaging episode of "The Twilight Zone" about intriguing disappearances of three astronauts and a project. The beginning is ambiguous and the viewer is not sure whether Lieutenant Colonel Forbes has a daydream with his friend Colonel Harrington or not. But the conclusion surprises and is excellent. My vote is nine.

Title (Brazil): "Além da Imaginação: And When the Sky Was Opened" ("The Twilight Zone - And When the Sky Was Opened")
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