Review of The Lost Room

The Lost Room (2006)
Feel incomplete
23 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This review has heavy spoilers for the whole story. Do not read if you haven't seen the whole show.

I really liked the original concept behind this show. A room where "something happened" that created objects with different supernatural uses was great and for the most part I liked how the story was told, with the main character wanting to get his daughter back and the whole factions and groups that formed around the objects.

But sadly it ended up being yet another example of writers that came up with a great idea but had no idea how to end it and how to give a logical answer to all the interesting mysteries they came up with. By the end most of it doesn't make sense anymore and the answer to most of the big mysteries ends up being "because the writers say so".

One of the biggest mysteries of the whole show is what happened in the room, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who was intrigued with this and was expecting an answer. And when the times came for the big reveal the dialog went something like:

"Did you create the objects? What happened in this room?" "No I didn't create them. It just happened".

Turns out the writers had no idea how to finish their own story so they just went with "it just happened". And that's far from being the only question left unanswered, by the final chapter there are a ton of events that are never really explained. - Why would recreating the experiments of the collectors revive people? - What was the logic behind the daughter of the main character being trapped in "one of many rooms? - How did the main character recover his daughter by becoming an object? - ETC

A part of me feels this show was left unfinished. A lot of the events from the final episode pointed towards a second seasons that never got released
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