Well done Rod and Rod.
23 January 2014
Astronaut Col. Clegg Forbes (Rod Taylor) visits his colleague Major William Gart (James Hutton) in hospital. They have recently returned from a mission in space with a third member- Major Ed Harrington, who no one remembers but Forbes! Especially chilling for Forbes as their spaceship X-20 went off the radar for twenty-four hours before they returned to earth.

One of the early episodes that set the standard. Interesting now as its a fantasy drama made at a time when space exploration was new. That is not to say that its dated as a mysterious sci-fi tale. The concept came from a Richard Matheson story called 'Disappearing Act' and this was the first of sixteen of his to be used for the Zone. In this case Rod Serling took the idea and created his own very different and absorbing teleplay. The three men are shown together briefly in flashback in a spirit of devil-may-care esprit de corps and in contrast as somewhat shaken by the weird goings-on in the main body of the story. Rod Taylor turns in perhaps his best performance-no Hitchcockian birds-no Morlocks- but instead something inexplicable and profoundly scary.

Just a thought. There's a William Gart in this, and a Gart Williams as main character in 'A Stop At Willoughby'.
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