Doesn't Even Deserve One Star
21 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw a picture of Drake as Timmy I thought... why? I'm always up for a good-bad movie but this just left me clueless as to why anyone would want to make such a movie as this (the only answer I've found is to make quick cash... that's about it). There are so many things wrong with this movie and the first mistake is that it was done live (and not cartoon... but again... easier to film than animate so quick cash). Characters were not themselves or as funny because it was live action. Usually in the show, the fairies would say something funny/make a pun, and then magic would happen (i.e. "cat got your tongue?" then a tiger or a fierce cat would randomly appear and try to get your tongue). No, having the cat appear would mean they would have use special effects... meaning spend more money. So basically, they had to limit the gags. The only one I found true was when Crocker would freak out when he said "fairies"... but it just felt out of place (being live action). So they had to rely on different kind of gags... such as Vicki getting a pizza in her face... bird poo on Chester's head... Tootie being able to do flips... Poof's voice at the end, the animated laughing evil bunny scene, ...etc. They also cut back in other obvious areas too. Like when Cosmo and Wanda transform. Okay, yea.. that makes sense... but their voices? Really? I suppose I should be thankful they addressed that in the movie, but they didn't give a reason. Another thing was seeing the obvious. In the show, Timmy does not wear a jacket. Seeing pictures of him with a jacket... giving it to Tootie... was a dead giveaway that they needed the jacket for the plot to continue. Then there is the constant contradicting stuff... Like if Tootie is such a great gymnast, then why can't she swing herself to safety at the end when she falls off the bridge? Why was Jorgen so determined to make Timmy loose his Godparents when at the end he is happy that Timmy gets to keep his godparents? The biggest disappointment of all was the ending. I love happy endings but this one disappointed me. I grew up watching FOP (stopped around when Poof came), so one of my concerns was... what happens when Timmy grows up and has to say goodbye? Everyone has to grow up someday and move on... but no! Not Timmy Turner! And the reasons were stupid too... 1. Because he saved Fairy World numerous times (okay... fine... makes sense...) and 2. He uses his wishes for the benefit of others. Yea... okay. Like there was never an episode where Timmy used a wish for himself... And I thought the reason for having godparents was too use wishes to make your life better? to have fun and be a kid? There was even an episode where Vicki was no longer a babysitter for him and he was going to loose his godparents because he was content? This movie just messes with the show in too many ways that I can not fit and describe all on here. However, you may be one of the few who can't analyze a movie well (what I mean is, can't see it's flaws like I just described) and enjoy the movie for its humor. Good for you. At least the movie full-filled one of it's purposes... to be enjoyed.
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