Loved This Movie - Quite Different, Funny, Poignant Story
19 January 2014
I watched half last night and couldn't wait to finish it today. Emily Lloyd was absolutely phenomenal and I want to get more movies with her in it. All of the actors were excellent, from her aunt, to the Dad, to his friend.

Lynda was quite a character in this movie and you can understand why some kids act out like they do. I can relate to Lynda and make sense of some of the things I did as a kid after watching this. It was often hilarious and sometimes painful to watch. The acting is so incredible, you really could feel the emotion. And you feel for the father who can't control her, no matter what he tries to do.

British films are always so different from the norm. I love their artistic approach where everything is not spelled out for you and you have to make some inferences on your own. As such, every person's perspective is a little bit different. And the situations are always such real, every day type of situations from which they can spin a great story. I highly recommend this film.

It is not for children as there are many adult situations. Although I'm usually pretty loose with an R rating, I won't allow my tween children to watch this. Frankly, I don't think that kids would necessarily enjoy it anyway - as it's more of an adult drama with some funny and awkward moments.
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