Another Dawn (1937)
Good but not great film; it was successful at the box office
15 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I quite disagree with the comments of several reviewers here. It's not that this is a great movie. It's not. But it is a good movie, particularly when seen from a perspective of the time.

This is not prime Errol Flynn, but after all, it was filmed when he was still quite new to starring roles. So this is an opportunity to see the early Errol Flynn, and I think he does rather nicely.

Kay Franics had been Warner Brother's biggest star, but regrettably they handed her a number of projects that were just plain stale. A year after this film she was labeled box office poison, but not due to this film. Here, she proved once again what an appealing actress she was when she had a good script.

The third "star" of the film was the story. This was another of the the sun never sets on the British Empire films that were so often popular (after all, Flynn had starred in "The Charge of the Light Brigade" just a year earlier). Those films don't set quite so well in our era, but at the time, this was a box office success.

Three supporting actors are worth mentioning here. As time goes by, I am more and more impressed by Ian Hunter, who here plays Flynn's commanding officer. I don't think I'm familiar with Frieda Inescort, but as Hunter's sister here she is quite good. And Herbert Mundin...not that impressive, but her quite likable and one feels sympathetic toward his plight.

As I said, it's not a great film, but it is a good film. You could do lots worse.
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