Wow...GREAT Movie!
13 January 2014
First, truth in advertising...this is actually the hubby of the family.

Second, I knew absolutely nothing about this movie before I picked it out of the Amazon Instant Video queue...and it was free, to boot. But, it would have been well worth it had there been a charge.

Third, THIS IS AN AWESOME MOVIE! It is a smarmy, patriotic, romantic, hero-worshiping (heroine-worshiping?)and completely AWESOME movie. If they let me, I'd give this movie a 15 out of 10!

I can't imagine why the various women's groups don't have this flick on all of their "must-see movie" lists...but they really should. And this is a gent speaking. "Women's Lib" didn't start in the 1960s.

Why the heck can't Hollywood make great, inspiring movies like this one, anymore?

I think if you invest two hours of your life in this particular movie, you'll consider it time well-spent. You'll also gain insights into the risks...and prices paid...of some unique and brave men and women during World War 2.

I recommend completely and without reservation.
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