Lolol....This just because from 1888
10 January 2014
If you want to see the scene (less than 2 seconds) just search on Youtube.

The scene is in the white and black. And it is my honor to review the scene. And i think i DON'T NEED A SPOILER HERE. The scene has 2 couples and, there is a cheerful music.

Don't upset yourself if you want to see the scene, it is very very usual, but, hey, if you do that, you could put a rating on your IMDb list. And you can boast to your friend that you have seen movies from 3 millennium...1800, 1900, and 2000.

Honesty, that makes my younger sister very jealous, hahaha, it's fun though.

For a hint, just write on the youtube "early film collection", and you will find a video with some earliest movies.

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