The Exes (2011–2015)
Not good
11 January 2014
Only thing working for this show is Johnson. The little chick can't act. The guys are all boring. And I gotta tell ya,adding Leah to the cast till johnson comes back is a big mistake.Gonna lose a million viewers.I love King of Queens.. to see Kevin James, Jerry Stiller....Leah sucks as an actress. I don't know what it is lately, but since hot in cleveland,happily divorced,the ex's,suits,white collar,shows along those lines seem to have a LOT of overacting in them.They all pretty much suck. I think the "actors" need to retire themselves.They aren't funny anymore.Bertinelli makes me want to throw up. I can't stand her.Reality shows also suck since the people are TOLD what to do.I liked Duck Dynasty thinking they were acting themselves till I found out they have to be told what the producers want.They all chew and they aren't allowed to on the show,besides other characteristics. So what I'm trying to say is... TV has gotten worse and it is really a useless tool to kill time.That's what the government wants you to do. Be so called entertained so we don't think of what's really going on in the country.
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