Butcher Boys (2012)
Forget the TCM References Because It's Still a Stinker
8 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Best way to describe this move was that it was all over the place. No characters were fleshed out, no back stories, no reason to love the "final girl." It's a shame because I enjoyed the lead actress in "Bad Kids Go to Hell." Sure there are old school actors in here that TCM fans will get a kick out of, but even they are glossed over. The characters come in and out of scenes that drag out and don't seem to go anywhere. If the writer just stuck to writing another TCM sequel maybe things could have worked. Maybe. The director seems to have no idea where he wants to go with the story. I'm all for quirky characters and random acts of "what the hell" moments, but this was too much. And that ending...I guess you could say it was a fitting ending to such a mess. Don't believe the high marks that some other reviewers gave this movie. But don't take my word for it, watch it yourself if you think I'm being harsh in my critique. I saw this on Netflix streaming and for every stinker of a horror film such as this, there are some great ones that are available this month such as Maniac, Grabbers, American Mary, and VHS2. Even Texas Chainsaw 3D was better than this and that's not saying much!
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