7 January 2014
ROLL UP! ROLL UP! Fancy spending two hours in the company of some of the most annoying, stupid people in existence? You've got the middle aged spinster, who treats her dog like a baby. The smart kid, who wants to fit in but gets bullied on a daily basis. A recovering stroke victim who falls down outside and spends most of the film prostrate on the ground. The graduate who takes a job looking after a disabled Chinese guy and his obnoxious parrot. And a suicidal grieving father, who's lost his son and now just wants to end it all. His climatic strip in the middle of the neighbourhood is a good demonstration of how NOT to end a movie. It tries to be moving/funny but is cringeworthy to the max.

If I lived near any of these sad cases, I'd be putting my house on the market that same day. Seriously, you'd cross the street to avoid the majority of them... so what made the director think we'd want to be subjected to a full-length feature about their pathetic lives? HEAR a lady talk to a canine in a goo-goo voice as it poos on her path. SEE a pensioner stuck lying down in someone's garden for hours, despite people being only a few feet away. WITNESS a man lose his mind by giving his entire fortune away to perfect strangers. These are just a few of the petty conflicts and dull dilemmas posed here that trouble these idiots. Frankly my dear, I didn't give a damn...

JOYFUL partaking? Far from it. 4/10
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