The Thirteenth Tale (2013 TV Movie)
A Tale of family woe
3 January 2014
The film was pushed as a spooky, supernatural story when it is more of a thriller.

Vanessa Redgrave is the dying writer. Olivia Coleman is the biographer called in to write a story of her youth in a large house with a dysfunctional family.

A mother who went mad. A father on the verge of madness plus uncontrollable sisters who are a burden to the housekeepers.

The film takes a while to get going but the book has been adapted for the screen by Oscar winner Christopher Hampton.

As the film develops, secrets are revealed about the twin sisters and their effect of the people around them.

The film is well acted and the story gradually draws you in and surprises you as it does not go the way you think it will.

Of course I have never read the book so no comparison is made with the novel. It's a drama that stands in its own merits.
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