Not great and not bad, just not very funny....
3 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This wasn't a horrible movie. The biggest problem that this comedy had was it's identity, it was as if it didn't know what it wanted to be. I watched it thinking "When are the laughs going to happen?". One scene had an overly long monologue with a woman in tears talking to the camera about the loss of her mother, and for a comedy it seemed completely out of place, and it is not the only scene that will have you scratching your head and wondering whether you're watching a comedy or not. Characters that should be comic relief, like the constantly angry roommate or the rightly paranoid girlfriend, provide little to no laughs, it's as if their characters are in the wrong movie. Opportunities for comedy come and go without anybody taking them.

This is not a comedy spoof movie in the same comedy sub genre as Naked Gun, A Haunted House, Devil Baby, Scary Movie etc. It's filmed in the style of A Haunted House, a character carries a film camera the entire movie with angled shots provided by various video cameras that the characters have set up around the house, but it has absolutely none of the sight gags, one liners, or off the wall humor that those kind of spoof movies rely upon. This tries to poke fun at ghost movies the same way that Dale & Tucker vs Evil did to hillbilly slasher flicks, but unfortunately it just falls flat on it's face.

Some of the acting, or overacting, isn't the best. Carlos Santos is the standout actor, he is likable and seems to be one of those people who is gifted with being naturally funny without really having to do anything, I'd expect to see him being cast in supporting roles in larger comedies in the future and I would watch those comedies because of him. But really it's not the actors fault that this movie didn't succeed, you could of had a comedic genius like Leslie Nielsen in it and the horribly unfunny script would of swallowed him whole.

Maybe it will appeal to some peoples sense of humor. For reference I like comedies like Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Community, Louis, Judd Apatow movies, New Girl, most things with Seth Rogen in them, Blackadder, IT Crowd (or anything written by Graham Linehan), Monty Python, Arrested Development, to name just a few. I also enjoyed the original Naked Gun movies as well as the first couple of Scary Movie outings. This movie made me laugh out loud once and chuckle inwardly maybe 4 or 5 times.

5 stars out of 10 because as the first line of this review says "this is not a horrible movie", it's just not a very funny movie.
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