Best of Tallulah's '30's films
2 January 2014
Unfortunately, the film-going public was seeing the great Tallulah on screen for the first time with this charming comedy-drama -- and didn't take to her. Had they known what was to come ("The Cheat," "My Sin," "The Devil and the Deep") they would have realized that this was as good as it was going to get. And it's not bad at all. More significantly, Tallulah herself is MUCH better in this than in either "The Cheat" or "Devil," in both of which she looks most ill-suited to her profession, with bad posture and overdone expression. Here, though, she has great charm and, at times, intensity that seems quite genuine. George Cukor was responsible for this one, and his talent for film direction is immediately evident in this, his first solo flight after three assignments as co-director. An added attraction for me (though many are allergic to him) is Clive Brook, best known as Dietrich's "Shanghai Express" co-star. As in that film, Brook is extremely reserved, but, to my eye, quite appealingly so. A very likable film.
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