Review of Suave Patria

Suave Patria (2012)
Good Comedy from México
27 December 2013
I saw this film upon the recommendation of my friend and colleague at the university where we work. I was not really expecting that much from this film, as I had never heard of it. It is a very good comedy.

This movie leaves no doubt as to what it wants to be from the very first scene. The two main characters(Omar Chaparro and Adrian Uribe) do a good job of playing off of each other, and mesh well together.

There are several other characters that are also developed very well, most notably the character of the policeman played by Hector Suárez that chases the two main protagonists throughout the film, from México DF to the Mexican state of Durango.

This film has a good soundtrack also, especially "¿Qué más da?"(Who cares?) performed by a group called Kinky.

This film is very recommended if you are looking for a good slapstick type film. I saw it on You Tube for free without English subtitles, then I bought the DVD on Amazon, which had the subtitles.

If you are a teacher looking for a good Spanish language film for class, this works well, as it is not too long. There is a lot of profanity, so it may be better suited for a university level class. I do not recall any nudity though.
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