Doctor Who: The Time of the Doctor (2013)
Season 8, Episode 0
Wasn't epic but still good enough
26 December 2013
Going into this I expected an epic war almost like the day of the doctor because this was on trenselowr <---- (I think that's how u spell it) , but instead we got the it could've been good if it was directed by a better director .

OK the whole episode I was wishing to see Amy at least one last time and when it finally happened my heart broke , tears almost ... Ehmmmm I mean yeah it was good bros .

But in all seriousness Amy and Rory are in my humble opinion are the best companions of the doctor who show , that's when the show started to pick up in every way special effects , story , and every thing , that when Steven moffat really saw what he can do with the show after the blink episode , so yeah I was sooo happy when Amy made the cameo .

And the doctors final words were great too , and did anyone notice the when the doctor got really old he looked and acted almost exactly like Tom Baker ( the 4th doctor ) ? I thought it was nice to see that .

The special effects and the makeups were amazing for the doctor who standards , they are really stepping up their game now , but I still wish another director directed this episode .

And now with the bad stuff : I gave this episode a 7 only because I was torn between the story and the story telling , and if you know me somehow or read any of my reviews you know that I concentrate on the storytelling more then anything when I watch something and that's one of the things that fascinated me about the day of the doctor , anyways here are some of the bad stuff :- - the pasing : they could've done a lot more with the story if they concentrated on the pasing , instead it felt like a long movie and suddenly it wrapped up . - the war : we were promised a war , but we got the doctor handling them one by one it would've been good if there was any challenges on the matter , I guess the writer really want it to end the doctor . - the turkey : we didn't see who ate it , hahaha , I mean come on it took a portion of the story . And finally in the top of my head , the quick fix : again it was the pasing problem the led to this , it was soooooo slow then suddenly it wrapped up they didn't even think it through .

And I didn't mention the regeneration thing , I saw the other reviews talking about it , to those I say : every doctor had there own style of regeneration and through that we know that it's painful so it's better to have a quick one , after all fish feleh and custard .

Oh one last thing for those who really look , I figured the possibility out , there is a relationship between Clara and her Grammy look for who and what she might be , it's awesome the way they did it .

All and all not epic but an OK episode filled with fangasms , I believe it will get better in time.

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