Chatterbox! (1977)
An Odd Little Exploitation Flick
1 January 2014
A young woman who works in a beauty parlor (Candice Rialson) discovers that her vagina can talk, which causes her no end of trouble.

Although American International Pictures may be best known for their low budget horror and Roger Corman films, they were not afraid to make a quick buck here or there from something a bit racier. And this is definitely racy. While not the "soft-core pornography" that some have labeled it, the lead actress is naked for a good portion of the film and the very plot simply cannot be PG.

Unlike vagina dentata, whatever happened to Penelope is hard to explain -- apparently her female parts not only have a voice (and hence vocal chords, a tongue, and whatnot) but also eyes and ears, because Virginia seems to know a whole lot about what is being said and done around her...

Candice Rialson has something of her own interesting history. While she did some real acting, such as in "The Eiger Sanction" (1975) and "Logan's Run" (1976), she ended up getting typecast as a "sex kitten" and ultimately died prematurely at age 54. As an odd consolation, Quentin Tarantino based a character off of her in "Jackie Brown", no doubt in part inspired by "Chatterbox".

Director Tom DeSimone is the ultimate mystery, and no one seems to even know how old he is. He started out in adult films, moved to exploitation, and then rose to horror, making a few memorable flicks (most notably "Hell Night" with Linda Blair). How he was able to transition to legitimate director is beyond me, but well played, good sir.
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