The Wrong Woman (2013 TV Movie)
Below Average Lifetime Chick Flick
28 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Taken straight from the Lifetime Movies template, this movie is full of cliché and stereotype. A very grown-up Danica McKellar (The Wonder Years) plays the unsuspecting cop's wife, who loves her hubby dearly and is doing all she can to revive their marriage. She even takes pole dancing lessons, hoping to surprise and entice her hubby with her newly acquired skill.

Meanwhile, unbeknown to the cop's wife, he's having an affair with the town whore. One of the two women ends up dead, and the other is accused of her murder. Amazingly, the cheating cop hubby barely has a speaking role in the movie. I kept waiting for him to show up as the villain, but he never did.

I've enjoyed Danica McKellar in past Lifetime movies, but I just couldn't believe her as this character. She went from wimpy wife to superwoman in two hours. There are too many scenes where she has her "Winnie" sad eyes on, lips apart, big white front teeth showing just enough. I'd love to see Danica make a movie a little more light hearted, one that uses her sparkling smile more.

The ending was unbelievable, and seemed forced upon the viewer without explanation. I typically like original Lifetime movies, but this one was so predictable it was probably shot in three days. Compared to Lifetime movies of the past (three years ago and beyond perhaps), I wouldn't bother to watch this one twice.
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