Fresh Meat (2012)
Watch the meat, son!
27 December 2013
"Watch the meat, son!" I actually thought the movie New Zealand film was dead after Jackson only makes main Stream and also "Black Sheep" could not start the fire. But "Fresh Meat" yes indeed is, the film sensation of the year from the land of shepherds: A mixture of "Pulp Fiction" and "The Green Butchers", a blend of from cannibalism and lesbian action: I say: thumbs up, Keep up the New Zealand! You're back on the right path, a path that once began with "Braindead" and unfortunately threatened to end in a stalemate with the "Hobbit" and has now re-elected with "Fresh Meat" the right course! Brilliant! Especially the native New Zealandish tribal action rocks. This movie is really a must see!
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