They Bite (1992)
Unusual combination porno / monster spoof ...... that works !
26 December 2013
Ambitious far beyond expectations, "They Bite" succeeds in spoofing not one, but two movie genres. The first half has at least a bunch of chuckles, squarely aimed at the adult film industry. The actors are likable, the acting is acceptable for this type production, and the nudity is not totally gratuitous. The second half is all about the fish monsters, with the sci-fi elements, and special effects surprisingly effective considering the minuscule budget. Just when you thought things couldn't get more outrageous, they do. The closest porno parody flick I could compare this to would be "The First Nudie Musical", which is a spoof of Broadway shows, and contains lots of nudity. In fact they both have the identical line spoken by their leading nude lady, "I am an actress" - MERK
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