Way Out is Exactly That-Horrible! 0*
26 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
They really can't come more dreadful than this 1966 film. Jerry Lewis and crew are literally out of space with this one. Our government wants a married couple to be at the moon following an embarrassing situation between an American and Russian woman in outer space.

The picture might have been funnier had Lewis married the woman assigned to him when Connie Stevens temporarily bowed out of the picture. The woman was domineering and actually thought what she was doing was a service for America. Instead, Stevens bails in and the picture goes from downhill to the most absurd imaginable.

In space, the two are soon joined by Dick Shawn and Anita Ekberg, two Russian space people who proceed to get everyone drunk. Believe it or not, this is not very funny at all.

As the space commander on earth, Robert Morley does have some brief funny moments as the overwhelmed guy in this awful situation.
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