I did like it though it needs to be seen as its own I think
26 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This was actually a really interesting storyline, acting similar to a prequel for the live action movie. (And if you have not seen the live action show, then go and see it!) Yet, if you haven't seen the actual live action show, you will not miss anything in this one. Helsing is sent on assignment by the Vatican to find a killer in London who was using dark arts. I love how they created the story, making some things seem as though they lumped Jack the Ripper and Hyde together.

There are some problems I have with the cartoon vs. Live action though. In the cartoon, they give Hyde a reason for killing the people he did, he killed only women and took their souls to make the Queen young. In the Live action, he has killed numerous people including men and animals along with the women. In fact, he had killed more men then women. They do not explain why he did so, so naturally it gives him more of a monstrous thought to our heads. Also, when they do meet, Hyde seems to have not much understanding of who Helsing is although in the Cartoon, they do meet and get rather close to each other. I do like the little intention that they did meet at one time in London vive the bullet wound in Hyde's arm, but other then that, its as though they have not met. Also, Carl had already been following Helsing in London so why did he not go to Paris with him to follow after Hyde. When we do see Carl, he seems to not know anything about going out with Helsing to fight.

The artwork looks a lot like a comic book rendition of the characters in the show, giving it the same air as another that I looked at called Mosaic (from Stan Lee). Even though its pretty good, there are some problems where most of the backgrounds are really well detailed making the characters seem to fall flat at times. There are also some really strange lines that come from under the eyes and down the cheek on most of the characters, and sadly, it looks as though they have been cut there. It's odd because no piece of the human body would make that line on the face. When there is some slight CG to the show, it does look pretty good though stands out. It doesn't 'fit' as it were. The last few clips are actually done way to fast, like the frames were placed in a little wrong.

The voices are the same as the movie and so of course match the fun and laughter that you get within the movie as well as the deep drama. Hugh Jackman has one of the most epic voices along with the small witty nature that works well with Helsing, David Wenham has the perfect witty counter voice to Jackman even if he can get a bit whinny, and Robbie Coltrane has a rather strong voice for Hyde. Now for the voices only in this cartoon version, I wasn't that keen on Tara Strong's rendition of Young Queen Victoria. She just seemed rather stupid and more childish then she should of.
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