Doctor Who: The Time of the Doctor (2013)
Season 8, Episode 0
A fitting end
25 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
When I sat down on the settee eager for this episode, all I knew was that Matt Smith's tenure would end and Peter Capaldi's would begin. So how was this episode? Honestly, it wasn't perfect, it did feel a little rushed and there's still one thing I'm trying to wrap my head around one part of this now completed 3 series story arc. However, overall, I was pleasantly satisfied. Let me start with what I saw as negatives, as there were only a few. I was nostalgic at the thought of 4 of my favourite Doctor Who villains (Daleks, Cybermen, Weeping Angels and the Silence) all trying to kill the Doctor, so the fact that the Weeping Angels only appeared in one scene (albeit one of the best scenes of the episode), the Cybermen didn't really get much to do either, the Silence started out creepy and promising but that was only for one scene, and the Daleks had more screen time but didn't do much really let me down on that part. Then, the plot point that confused me. If the Silence took over the TARDIS and blew it up to try and prevent the events of this episode, then why was it that the Time Lords could only come through the cracks that the Silence created? Surely if this was the case, the easiest way to stop it would've been to not create the cracks in the first place? Anyway, apart from that, everything else was great, the plot, the guest characters, Clara is really growing on me, I already love Peter Capaldi, and then there was the highlight of the whole episode. Just before Matt poofed into Capaldi, Karen Gillan made a cameo appearance as Amy Pond. Now i didn't cry throughout this whole episode, but as soon as I saw Amy, the flood gates opened. I love her so much. I have an emotional connection with her that I don't have with Clara yet (sorry Clara). Overall, a great episode, and also a very festive one (but really, a town called 'Christmas)??
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