Romantic Comedy
24 December 2013
Upcoming director Erik Balling helped with the script to this comedy vehicle where a female dentist and an add photographer decides to get divorced for tax reasons. For a male person to accept a wife having a career of her own show us, that we are in the mid Fifties where women had gained some ground on the question of independence. To speculate in divorce for tax reasons suggested by the wife part of a relationship was also a bit provocative back then, but still accepted in the total concept of a witty fast moving comedy. The public gradually expected to think along new lines of relationship this must have been a forerunner. The almost not existing story carried forth with wit and charm makes us forget the superficial elements. The femme fatal is not that much fatal after all, but she is a gold digger hoping for a part in the prey. This might be the most successful movie from the hands of director Torben Anton Svendsen.
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