Die Hard + Cliffhanger + Island setting = Enemies Closer
23 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Enemies Closer is the kind of movie that clearly doesn't take itself seriously, which is a good thing.

Plot is paper thin: A plane carrying drugs, ends falling into the ocean. Van Damme is the bad guy. Van Damme and his men are trying to get the drugs back. The good guy is just a guard taking care of a couple of tourists. The setting is some kind of island. Our hero isn't just a guard. A mysterious man tries to kill the hero, but it's obvious that they'll both work together to take down the bad guys who'll obviously try to kill them.

So, you know what you're going to find with that flick.


1)The night setting is boring. It just shows how the movie was so low budget that they had to use the night to mask the fact that many actors didn't know a thing about fighting style. Had the movie happened during the day, I would probably have liked it much, much more.

2)Cops are so dumb. Seriously, why does every cop or guard ( except the hero ) act like a complete idiot in a movie?

3)The twist is so badly executed that it brings more holes to the movie. It also shows that Van Damme's character was way too cocky to the point that any idiot could have done better than him. You'll see the movie, so I won't tell the twist. It's not that you won't see it coming.

4)The bad guys were way too weak. By the last 15 or 20 minutes of movie, only Van Damme was still standing.

5) Black guy adds nothing and he's there just to mess up with the hero. You see he clearly didn't want to kill him. Then, we had the old cliché enemies working together to bring down baddies.

6) Van Damme's son is a bad actor.

7) The old hostage situation is old...


1)Van Damme still has the skills to fight people. The opening fight scene was cool. He easily killed at least 6 armed guys. The deaths were quite interesting and original. He even broke a CD in half to use as a weapon. Nice.

2)It's good that we had dumb guards at the island. That means more people to be killed by Mr Van Damme. Poor bastards.

3)Van Damme talking in french to his men in order to confuse our hero.

4)The always old Die Hard formula doesn't get older here. Our heroes take the baddies one by one, usually through fist fights! That's right, instead of using guns, the hero either beats the guys or makes traps to kill them. That happens a lot in the movie. Cliffhanger also had a nod in this movie.

5)There is a mercy killing and Van Damme performs it quite well!

6)The way the bad guy dies is the same way that the bad guy dies in Die Hard 2.

7)Van Damme kills a defenseless old man. Best scene in the movie.

If you're a fan of Van Damme, you should give the movie a try. He's clearly having fun with himself. If you're not a fan, just watch it as any action movie. It was OK. Disappointing because Hyams could do better, if you look at his previous movies. It wasn't bad.

5/10 because the twist ruins a lot of the flick in my view. Still, I had good laughs. XD
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