Homeland: The Star (2013)
Season 3, Episode 12
The End Of Homeland
22 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS - I would have rated 9/10 if it had finished with the fade to black of Brody. This final episode of season 3 should be the final episode of Homeland. No 'Nicholas Brody' you no longer have a reason for Homeland. The story is finished. From the beginning when Brody was a broken shell of a man who had undergone who knows what horrors at the hands of an enemy to the gradual reconnection to his family his friends his country to the sad but inevitable ending as Brody slowly, agonisingly, ultimate price as he suffocates at the end of a rope in a square surrounded by hatred with one final brief view of love as Carrie climbs the fence shouting his name so he knows he's not exactly alone as he takes his final breath. Cue fade to black. And that is were Homeland needed to finish; to die in effect, with the death of Nicholas Brody. The two main protagonists for there two, not just one (although one could argue Homeland is about Brody) I would argue have come to an end. But no, ad break then it's 4 months later somewhere warm irrelevant with two minor characters saying the world is crap cos "they're out of baguettes so I had to get croissants". Why? Apart from inserting a pet hate of mine the mispronunciation of the French word croissant(s). The "T" is always silent. Always! Please don't ruin two outstanding seasons and a third average, save for the last 3 episodes don't make a fourth season. The only way I believe that could work. Is if it comes back as something different keep a small number of the original cast but make the 'point of view' (POV) that of Carrie as she settles in as Station Chief in Istanbul and the "handling" of Jivardi and beyond. But it can't be Homeland that's finished along with Brody's character.

Homeland RIP. It was great while it lasted. Thank you.
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