Accurate but doesn't really highlight the key point of travelling
8 December 2013
I'd rate it higher but I think the film doesn't have enough shots to show the really awesome aspects. It's mostly interviews with other travellers talking about their own opinion on travelling, rather than actually showing the real-life shots of the mostly *cultural* experiences that are had on the journey.

By the end of the film, I wasn't left with a burning desire to pack up my things and go back out to do it all again. I think it's because my personal interest in travel is hardly based on the interpersonal relationships at all. But that's the only thing this documentary seems to cover. Travelling is more than just meeting new people in hostels.

However, Brook Silva-Braga I'm sure you'll read this, so I'd just like to say that if I was somewhere in the world and I met you, and we talked, and you told me you were making this movie, I would be hugely impressed - you definitely made the most of your time away. And we'd no-doubt form the classic 'traveller friendship' you described in the movie, hah.

I give the documentary a 6 because it sadly didn't really cover the key aspects of travel that I was expecting to see, and instead just focused on meeting new travellers and how it 'feels' to be one. However for the effort and generally awesome motivation and hard work that will have gone into making and filming it for a full year, I give a 10/10, because, as I said, it is a hugely impressive thing to do, no matter what.

I'm interested to know how it's perceived by people who've never left home before.
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