It's OK But Nothing Great
12 December 2013
Wartime musical comedy about four actresses (Kay Francis, Martha Raye, Carole Landis and Mitzi Mayfair, playing themselves) touring with the USO. The film is based on the book of the same name written by Landis, based on her experiences with the USO. Some good musical numbers but the comedy (mostly Raye) is the pits.

Landis is beautiful and glamorous as always. Francis seems matronly and out of place. Raye hams it up as she often did in her films. Her brand of comedy isn't to my tastes. Mayfair I was unfamiliar with prior to this film. She doesn't really leave an impression here, good or bad. She's the Zeppo of the group I guess. Support from Dick Haymes and Phil Silvers. Also features Jimmy Dorsey, Betty Grable, Alice Faye, and Carmen Miranda as themselves.
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