Family Guy: Quagmire's Quagmire (2013)
Season 12, Episode 3
To all of you think Family Guy have stopped being funny: Check THIS episode out.
12 December 2013
Since about the start of season 7, a lot of people have started to state that Family Guy was going downhill. I didn't agree to the claims at all, saying "Sure, since season 5 there are SOME dull episodes that have shown up, but downhill? Not exactly." I stayed very close to this fact for a long time. With season 8, I noticed that although there started to be a bit decreased in humor, I still kept watching, despite having seen the episode "The Splendid Source", which really wasn't very funny at all. Season 9 starts showing the flaws even clearer, with obviously pointless episodes like "Excellence In Broadcasting" and "Foreign Affairs" and that made me think "They know they have the potential of being very funny, so why put out these very badly written episodes? I just didn't get it. And here we go at season 10... The episodes became a lot less funny and more serious here, the show started to feel like it belonged somewhere else and a bunch of them are very unmemorable. Funny? Sometimes? Great satire? Not as often. In fact, I for a long time called this the worst season of Family Guy ever done! That was though, until I saw season 11... The THREE FIRST EPISODES are disappointing! THREE!!! That's amazingly tragic! (Though I think I enjoyed "The Old Man and the Big 'C' more because of the Quagmire-subplot"), then we have two very good episodes, then suddenly the worst episode ever f ucking done: Lois Comes Out Her Shell. I KNOW people hate "Life Of Brian" the most, but at least that episode had SOME humor in the six first minutes and touching emotional moments. This episode though? Boring plot, terrible jokes and even bad acting in one scene! Out of all episodes I gave a 6 or lower, the count was up at seven. My God... So what's my point here then? Sounds only like freaking nag, doesn't it? Well, not really. This episode... is OUTSTANDING. It's such a breath of fresh air! Everyone is fantastically funny and in-character, the jokes are creative and the plot is good! How long time ago wasn't it when all these three worked great together giving the best result possible? Forever! It may not be one of the best episodes ever, but for reminding me that Family Guy can be the best s h i t ever when it wants to, it's up there with the best episodes from season 7-10 if something. Well done, Family Guy!
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