Another dull D'amato Road Warrior rip-off.
11 December 2013
Just one of many trashy, low-budget Italian flicks to gleefully rip-off George Miller's classic Mad Max movies, 2020 Texas Gladiators is set against a typically barren, post-apocalyptic landscape and sees a brave band of warriors fighting back against the evil fascist regime that has been enslaving their people (with a little help from a gang of dirt-bike-riding, bare-chested punks in S&M gear).

Directed with very little style or finesse by Joe D'amato, and featuring a cast clearly chosen for the definition of their pecs or willingness to expose their tits rather than actual talent, the film is low on genuinely gritty exploitational content, the absence of any really nauseating gore or outrageous sleaze—both specialities of the director—being particularly noticeable.

Despite the welcome presence of smoking' hot blonde Sabrina Siani, and the inclusion of such blatant silliness as futuristic soldiers armed with electric bullet-proof shields (which have ***important plot point*** massive holes in them!), the derivative nature of the plot, D'amato's lifeless treatment, the lacklustre stunts, and the unremarkable performances (with the notable exception of Donald O'Brien as Black One—that guy is hilarious) all go to make this a frustratingly dull affair as a whole.
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