Braquo (2009–2016)
Season 1 - Simply Brilliant
11 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
If you like Spiral, if you like De Niro's Ronin, if you like The Shield or any other really dark criminal situations with messed up people, drugs and guns, then you'll simply adore this.

For me the far N Europeans do the best thriller's such as The Bridge or Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, but you cannot beat the French for very realistic gritty, brooding criminal based dramas.

Great characterisations, a sensible mix of personal life issues and work issues all with a feeling it is about to go horribly wrong yet again! I've yet to watch season 2 though I have it, I hope it is as good as season 1 which is remarkably good IMO.

Season 2

Just finished watching it and thought it as good as Series 1.

It finishes leaving the opening for series 3... if it ever gets made.
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