The Most Interesting Yet Disturbing Documentary I've Ever Seen
7 December 2013
Louis Theroux decides to visit "America's Most Hated Family": the Phelps family. The members of the Phelps family started and are part of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas. Their central belief contains extreme ideologies, including that God hates America because of their acceptance of homosexuality and the military. They are known to protest with picket signs that are very bold and utterly deplorable. I found this documentary very hard to watch, for every word that came out of the Phelps family sent a chill down my spine. I was never aware that these kind of extremists are out there in this world. It's very ironic how this family believes that they are "obeying God's words", when actually they are doing and showing the opposite of Christian teachings. Whatever they said, they were taking Bible verses and twisting them from what they really mean. What I saw as most disturbing was that they would teach their next generation that God hates America, and that homosexuals are "fags". I simply have one question. Who are they to judge whether or not God hates America? As a Christian, I was very disturbed watching this documentary. The Phelps family says that God hates and condemns all people of America. However, in the Bible, it states 66 times that God loves his children. Yes, we have sinned and yes, we are not perfect, but it does not mean God hates us.

I liked how Louis Theroux went outside his comfort zone to interview many of the people to make a more interesting documentary. However, it seemed as though he was serving into the people's mouths that what they were doing is wrong. I wished he went in with a little more empathy. Then, we could have gotten more information about their views, instead of them just defending themselves over and over. If you want to watch an eyebrow lifting documentary, I recommend this. However, if you do not want to see a disturbing documentary that will most likely want you to punch the screen, then this is not for you. Overall, I would give this documentary a 3.5 out of 5 stars.
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