A nice visually treat
7 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
For some reason, despite falling victim to some of the tired horror movie clichés, this movie had me invested. Maybe it was the whole based on a true story. I mean I'm sure there was some sort of serial killer back before WWI started that disappeared, and bodies were found in barrels, I figure that is as much as the "truth" as we get. I think, after "Cabin in the Woods" I look at horror movies a bit different. I've always been a fan of horror movies, but now, I tend to see then as part of the universe of "Cabin in the Woods"

Visually, I applaud the filmmakers. I like when I see a movie takes chances and visually, I think they had some fun with lenses, filters and post production color correction.

If you haven't checked out "Cabin in the Woods", please do and please do it before you watch this movie. Then after watching that, just imagine this movie in the same universe. I think you'll appreciate it more.

But let's say I want to just rate this movie on its own. What are my expectations going into a horror movie? People that have sex die. Cars will not start. People will fall down while running in the woods. Is this movie guilty? Yes. But what horror movie isn't? (A lot of them, I know, but also a good amount of them are.)

I think we go into a horror movie hoping to get scared, see some blood and have those moments where we yell at the screen. Don't go in there! Don't trust him/her! Look out behind you!

This movie had that.
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